I'm a furry artist, a fursuit maker hobbyist and I dabble into fursuit sprays!I enjoy drawing anthros, furries and more!

Art Commission Status:Open
Fursuit Commission Status: Close until winter 2024

How to contact me!

Telegram: @PomtheCorgi1996
Discord: PomBakery#6734
Email: [email protected]

Don't forget to check out

Please review the following terms carefully. By ordering from/commissioning me, you signify your agreement to these Terms of Service. If you disagree to be bound by these Terms of Service in their entirety, you may not order from/commission me. You are bound explicitly by the current version of our terms of service.

!EDITING MY ART IS FORBIDDEN!If you need any kind of changes on your drawing, changing some colours, reforming a line or putting my signature somewhere else, JUST TELL ME! I'll gladly change any minor changes to your commissions without charging extra!


  • Payment method is upfront and strictly thought Paypal.

  • Prices are in USD

  • I might charge extra for complex characters. The extra will be discussed before invoicing.

  • I DO NOT take payment plans.


  • Shipping is NOT included in the base prices

  • The shipping cost/price will be determined when the order is ready to ship, I will send you the options and their prices.

  • If you are located outside of Canada you will need to provide me with a phone number I can include on the shipping label.

  • Packages that are within Canada or the USA will be shipped with a tracking number.

  • International shipping, Due to high shipping rates a tracking number will not be mandatory.

  • All shipping is at the cost of the customer.

  • I may accept local/ cons drop-offs from time to time.

  • If you have moved in between the time you ordered and the time I completed your item please provide me with your new shipping address

  • It is VERY IMPORTANT that you double-check your address before I ship anything/make a payment. Items are shipped to the address you gave me.


  • Cancelling and Refusal

  • I can refuse any type of commission If it’s out of my comfort zone. (read below for the precisions)

  • I will allow cancellation on the commission If I haven’t started it, If I’m at the sketch, I will refund half of what you pay.


  • If you have cancelled your commission before I started it, I will do a COMPLETE refund.

  • Once the sketch is started, you will be reimbursed HALF of what you pay.

  • I will not be able to refund once the drawing has been completed, I can do any minor changes If necessary and without extra charge.

* Keep in mind that If you cancel and I send you a refund, the sketch/art will be deleted *


  • My work schedule is the weekends from 11h to 19h, before or after that, I do not answer for commission requests.

  • I will do my best to complete commissions in a timely manner, but with my full time job I cannot make any promises

  • If something happens that prevents me from working on commissions (ex: personal, health, vacations, etc) I will make a post via my social media saying so.

  • I cannot take deadlines for now.


  • Before you send me any kind of payment, please fill in my commission form via the link on my home page

  • After the payment is sent, I will add you to my Trello.

  • I will follow the order of the people who commission me, but it happens that I get more inspired for one particular piece and do it first to not lose the inspiration.

  • I will do one sketch first and show it to you. If you need any major changes, It will be the time to tell me so. I will send afterwards 1 last sketch and it will be the last one you can make major changes before I start the colours/lineart etc.

  • After I do the colouring (not shaded/details), I will send only one wip to assure you that the patterns are OK with you.

  • Once the art is completed, you can ask for minor changes.

  • After everything is settled and you are happy with the commission, I will send you the final work via your preferred method of communication.

  • I will afterwards post the piece on Furrafinity and you can add it to your favourite and/or post it on your account (Don’t forget to linked and credits)

TOS Password BlueCorgi

Harassment: Any harassment will not be tolerated.
Examples; verbal, abuse, threats, derogatory remarks..

Harassing me in such ways will not make me work faster or better at all.
In a situation where an issue with your order is in place, it should be solved as adults,
For example, your order is taking longer to complete than the time that was estimated, you are not to send us messages such as but not limited to, “ if you don’t complete my order by (date) I will open a PayPal case and put a beware on you”.
This would be considered a threat.
I also do not appreciate being talked to in a rude or passive-aggressive tone. I understand that it sometimes takes me a bit to complete your order but I am doing my best to complete things in a timely manner.
Also if you're an artist yourself, please understand that everyone has their ways of making things. I do not need to be told how or what to do.
In a situation where such a message has been sent to me, you will be given a warning and if the behaviour continues your order/commission is subject to be cancelled and you will be blacklisted.
Although in most cases I will give you a warning.
I still reserve the right to cancel your commission without warning.
If your commission is cancelled you will be refunded as of the refund policy, which can be found in this document.
Please do not message us every day for an update, we will message you regularly with updates when we have them.
I do my best to complete any orders in a timely matter, yes in some situations it can take us several months due to personal life and it being a hobby. If you ever have any questions about your completion time or just want a general update, feel free to message us on any of my social media ( I usually respond within a day except for when I am on vacation, at an event etc.

Won't Draw
Diaperfurs/cubs in a NSFW scenario
Scat/Anything related to bodily wastes
Extreme BDSM
Underage/minors in sexual context
Complicated mecha
Oversized body parts
Shipping art with my own characters
Ferals in NSFW situations
Realistically accurate animal genitelias
Will Draw
Any species (I’m more skilled with canines and felines, so keep in mind others species can be experimental)
Vanilla sex scene
Any kind of relationships (M/M, F/F, M/F etc)
Fanart of your fursona in your favourite show/game/etc.
Self-inserted of your fursona with your favourite character.
All genders
Things I like to draw
Cute scenarios
Vanilla sex scene
Couples in everyday scenarios
Fursona designs